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Discover Finlands largest audiobook and e-book selection! Elisa Kirja provides an easy and pleasant way to enjoy reading and literature anywhere, anytime. With this app you can read e-books and listen to audiobooks on your phone and tablet.Best featu

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Introducing the ABC Discount Appliance AppABC Discount Appliances is a family-owned discount Appliances, Mattresses, Electronics store based in Pennsauken, NJ. Since 1949, ABC Discount Appliances has served customers in Pennsauken, Cherry Hill, Medfo

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Easy to use music application suitable for young children, play with three different instruments to make your own Happy Music.Contains: - 8 Guitar chords - 8 Piano keys - 8 Strings notes - Use keyboard keys or mouse to play - No popup advertisin


Durex 杜蕾斯為全球知名兩性健康品牌,官方直營的App商店,提供1. 全球首創的行動購物平台,提供杜粉們更貼心的環境,無縫體驗品牌魅力。2. 整合手機號碼的會員管理功能,避免杜粉們多帳號管理的麻煩。3. 使用SSL 128 bits高等級加密,確保杜粉們的交易安全。4. 即時提供品牌訊息,兩